What electromagnetic waves do mobile phones use?

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It’s time to discuss some science here on WaveWall as we answer the question, “what electromagnetic waves do mobile phones use?” We talk a lot about electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) because they are the main way a mobile phone works and connects to the network. Mobile phones do not work without them. Let’s…

Are EMFs dangerous?

EMF stands for electromagnetic frequencies or electromagnetic fields and they are very common. EMFs are emitted by all electrical objects – some more than others. But are EMFs dangerous? EMFs are also referred to as radiation because they include frequencies like X-rays, infrared and visible light. Some of these are harmful, some aren’t. Some, like…

Do Anti Radiation Phone Cases Work?

You might have heard about all the dangers of electromagnetic fields and mobile phone radiation in causing cancers, tumours and male infertility but still be wondering, do anti-radiation phone cases work, really? Are they the answer to protecting you and your family against the harmful effects of mobile phone radiation? Unlike other solutions anti-radiation phone…

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